Friday, April 23, 2010

TKM First

Discuss the parenting skills exhibited by Atticus Finch.


BDD Matracia said...
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Tanzant said...

I feel that Atticus is a great father. Even though he may not show it all the time he is willing to jump in and do the right thing. For example when the kids and Calpurnia saw the ravenous dog Atticus came out and shot the dog. This may seem somewhat drastic but he showed that he really cared for his kids and also Calpurnia. He has a tough exterior but on the inside he has a soft spot for his children

AlyssaAnderson said...

Atticus has very unique parenting skills. He makes his children learn right from wrong in means of lesson teaching, rather than just punishment. He teaches Jem not to use vandalizing violence to solve problems by reading to Mrs. Dubose. Rather than just being a strict parent, he lets the kids be adventurous. Atticus knows when to draw the line, but he can do so in a way to where Jem and Scout do not get angry with him.

t.easter said...

Atticus always does his best to teach Scout and Jem lessons that will stay with them forever. The reader will notice this when he tells Scout that she will have to "keep her head."


Well, dearest Miss Gossett... I believe that Atticus Finch is a great parent to both Jem and Scout. He is an honest man that treats everyone equally. At one point, Scout was very surprised that Atticus was defending a negro as a laywer. He told her that he was to defend anyone, no matter who they were or what people would say about it. Mr. Finch also enforces discipline for the children although most of the time he is very calm and understanding. The reader can tell he values education because when Scout says she should stay home with him and have Atticus teach her himself, he makes excuses because he truly wants her to learn. Atticus Finch is a good man.

shane said...

Atticus has parenting skills that most would find unsatisfactory. He is the only parent in their neighborhood, therefore he does not know many skills other parents use. Atticus has problems with the kids because he cannot "control" their actions. The fact that he is an only parent makes it very hard on him. He has to deal with trying to be both mother and father, but can only be a father to them.

frank2011 said...

The parenting skills exhibited by Atticus Finch are strict yet respectful. He teaches his kids by example and expects them to learn from mistakes made by himself and others around them. He teaches them life morals like, dealing with death and respecting everybody around them no matter how rude or disrespectful people are as they did with Mrs. Dubose.

meghogle34 said...

Atticus exhibits excellent parenting skills. He is willing to read to Scout,even though Miss Caroline finds it wrong,so she can have a better education than the other kids. And even though he cares for Scout and Jem, he still punishes them when they do something wrong. Like when Jem hits Mrs. Dubose's camellia's, Atticus punishes him for a month, even though it doesn't really turn out to be a punishment. It was more of a life changing event.

dillon said...

I think that Atticus does display good parenting skills he has taught both Scout and Jem to read (among other things) he attempts to keep them happy, and he is there for them when they need him, most of the time, but at the same time he allows them to be independent. He also wants to keep them seperate from all of the racial negativity that is going on around them. He has raised them to the best of his abilities.

Megan Dettwiller said...

Atticus's parenting skills are questioned by many people. People think that he isnt hard enough on them, but they dont realize all the life lessons he is teaching Scout and Jem. Atticus lets them learn from past experiences, expericences they have, and experinces they are going to have.

BDD Matracia said...

Well you see Scott, Atticus is a very good parent. He has a good job and supports his kids very well. He isnt very strict with his children but gets his point across that they need to behave. He is willing to make compromises also to make sure that him and his children both are happy.

aaron pryor said...

Atticus is a great father to Scout and Jem. He always reads to Scout everynight even though her teacher doesnt want her reading. When Scout stomped Mrs. Dubose's flowers Atticus showed his authority and made him apologize to her.

Chris T Wiseman said...

(")(")* Bunny

I consider Atticus Finch to be a good parent. He teaches his kids to fight with their minds and not their fists. He gives them the freedom of running around while also making sure they stay out of trouble.

Kelly Mustard said...

I believe that Atticus is a great parent to his children. He teaches them lessons that they will remember. When Jem smashed Mrs. Dubose's flowers, Atticus made him read to her. He wanted Jem to learn from his mistake. He also allows Scout and Jem have some freedom. He teaches them how to do the right thing and how to act in life. He isn't extremely strict with them, but he lets them know what the right thing is to do.

Caleb Muff Cockerill said...

Atticus Finch's parenting skills exhibit great influence over his children. The way he teaches them morals and how to be gentlemen and ladies really shapes how Scout and Jem are as a person. There's not a lot of parents that could keep children like Scout under control but somehow Atticus is able to keep them in line without discipline or vociferating.

kdavis2011 said...

I believe Atticus Finch's parenting skills are distant but strong. He may not seem fully committed and invested in his children, but he takes the time to teach moral lessons. Though he is quiet, Atticus is always there for his children need him. When Scout came home from school aggrivated and didn't want to return, Atticus compromised with her with the conditions that if she went to school, they would comtinue to read at home. Atticus uses different parenting skills. Rather than uses hash punishment, he teaches moral lessons to the children dealing with the problems they encounter.

frank2011 said...

Why did Scout become so upset with Mrs. Dubose's death?

SarahJune said...

Atticus seems to be a very good parent and tries his hardest with his children. Not only is he kind about their punishments, but he never uses the wrong actions with them. Nothing as in hitting them or verbally abusing them. They learn right from wrong and know what they are supposed to be doing and not doing. Atticus, over all, is a good father.

scottbalzer said...

Atticus Finch displays great parenting skills. He instills the quality of humility and teaches his children that not one person is better than another. There is a fine line between being a good parent and being too much of a friend. Atticus spends time and cares about his children, but also knows when discipline is necessary.



geoffrey.mitchell said...

I believe that Atticus Finch is a very good parent and shows great parenting skills. He shows how to lead by example and teaches them how to do the right thing. He does the best he can to protect and teach them. He shows his parenting skills when he teaches scout to read and write even though her teacher doesn't want him to, because he knows it's the right thing.

scottbalzer said...
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Where in Sam's holy hill does Dill stay when he comes to Maycomb for the summer to see Jem and Scout?

t.easter said...

Right now, I'm wondering if something more will happen to affect Scout. When Atticus tells Scout she will have to keep her head, it almost sounds like he is hinting at something bigger than just sacrificing her pride. What will happen? Time to read more...

dillon said...

Does anybody think that Aunt Alexandra is a good, ideal influence on Jem and, mainly Scout?

meghogle34 said...

When people keep talking about Atticus and how he is defending a black man, do you think the children take it too far with the people who are saying it? For example, when Scout cusses at Francis Hancock and beats him up.

Kelly Mustard said...

Dill stays at his aunt's, Miss Rachel, when he visits in the summer.

Chris T Wiseman said...

^ ^
(")(")~ Kitty

What is the significance of killing a mockingbird?

shane said...

Atticus knows when to tell his children to keep a calm mind. That is good parenting, one would never want their children to lose their head and get into fights everyday. To know when to decipline your children is very important. Atticus also reads to Scout to help her write, speak, and to read.

spencer clouser said...

well he stayed with his aunt of course... big hamilton.

Megan Dettwiller said...

If Boo Radley is so scary and vicious then why is he doing all those nice things for Jem and Scout? It makes you wonder if Boo Radley is really this crazy guy or a gentle man who just stays inside...

BDD Matracia said...

Are there any comments on Mrs. Dubose's morphine addiction?

Cobb14 said...

Atticus is a great father to his kids.When Jem smashes the flowers in Mrs. Dubose's yard, even though she had been talking negatively about Atticus, Atticus still punishes him. He makes Jem re-plant the flowers and read to Miss.Dubose for a month. His punishment might not have been harsh or cruel but he got his point across. Jem and Scout respect thier father and they obey him. That shows great parenting skills. Also Atticus lets his children learn from past experinces.

emma.honnold said...

Atticus Finch, father to Jem and Scout, is a very good parent and teacher to his kids. he allows Jem and Scout to have freedom and roam around, but still is very concerned about making sure that Jem and Scout stay out of trouble, like when the kids were trying to give a letter to Mr. Radley.

Jessica Brown said...

Atticus has unique parenting skills. He wants his children to know about the "real world" not what people want them to believe. Atticus does not lie to his children and he doesnt want them to lie either.

Mrs. G said...

Hey, first period. You need to leave two comments here.

Tanzant said...
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Jessica Brown said...

Why does Atticus never talk about Jem and Scout's mother?

aaron pryor said...

Scout and Jem never do talk about there mother, do the kids look up to Calpurnia as there mother?

BDD Matracia said...

Atticus shows very good parenting after the trial when he is talking to Jem and explains to him why Tom Robinson was convicted and Atticus was very patient with him while Jem was whining about it.

geoffrey.mitchell said...

What is the title of the story supposed to symbolize?

scottbalzer said...

Do you think Aunt Alexandra will ever accept Scout for who she is and not try to make her more "lady-like"?

AlyssaAnderson said...

Why did Jem become so angry when he recieved the gift from Mrs. Dubose?

Cobb14 said...

Do you think that Atticus gives Jem and Scout to much freedom?

Morganleighh; said...

Why is Aunt Alexandra able to just up and leave her family and never talk about them, or say she misses them?

emma.honnold said...

Why does Dill always visit Maycomb?

kdavis2011 said...

do you think the relationship between Jem, Scout and Atticus will change follwing the trial?

Heather Hakes said...

Do you think the trial is really affecting Scout and Jem?

meghogle34 said...

How can Jem be so confident in his father? Is he oblivious to the fact that Tom Robinson is a black man and the time period they are in or does he really think his father is that good to help find Robinson aquitted?

jbarn said...

I believe that Atticus is a very good parent.His techniques are slightly skew from "the norm", but nonetheless his kids are well behaved for the most part. ALso, Atticus is at a disadvantage because he is a single parent and so the fact that his kids have a relative free roam over their neighborhood and have not yet burned it down speaks for itself. I beleve Atticus' strongest parneting technique is that when Jem or Scout asks him a question he does not try to dodge it, he answers the kids in a straight forward maner that both answeres their question and is easy for them to understand.

jbarn said...

Well Megan, Jem's confidence in Atticus is deeply rooted in the fact that Jem is still a very young boy and due to his youth he is also naive. It is Jem's beleif that "all men are created equal." This of course is not always the case, even today in our small town of Greenfield you can see the divisions in our society. These rifts are much smaller and not based as much on race; the divisions today are created by the almighty dollar. If you look closely enough at our fisrt period english class i'm sure you could divide the class into the "haves" and "have nots" with great ease.

spencer clouser said...

to answer heather, no, i doubt the trial is effecting scout and jem. i know if i were that young, a trial would be the last thing i'd be stressing about.

shane said...

When do will Scout understand what is going on in the trials?

Anonymous said...

obviously, scout is exibiting her will to go on a bear hunting expedition in the ozarks.